At New Beginnings we believe Christian Education in it's best form is results oriented in nature. We help individuals know what it means to be a Christian, guide people to tell God's story in relation to their own story, and prepare members to hear God's call to go and serve. We offer Small Group Bible Study for all ages, Morning Glory Club for all ages, Children's Church, and NBBCOEA Layman Training.
We believe that your Spiritual DNA is a vital part of every believer and that in order to find your place in the local church one only needs to discover their spiritual gifts. One way to determine your spiritual gift is to take a spiritual gift inventory and begin your journey to fulfill divine purpose. Ultimately, we believe that once you know your gifts then you can connect with our church community. Begin your journey here:

The goal of Children’s Church is to lead children toward knowing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. To achieve this goal, we emphasize the following five areas:
Formal instruction, such as occurs in children’s church classes.
Informal instruction, in activities such as youth outings, and in the emotional atmosphere involved in all activities.
Service opportunities, in which children and volunteers become involved in serving the community and church members.
Adult Christian examples, in which children learn by seeing. Children see how adults interact with children, how they interact with other adults, and how they relate to God.
Service and support for the parents. By offering children weekly religious instruction, we also free parents to participate fully in the adult worship service.